Mail or In-Person Licensing

The easiest way to purchase or renew your cat or dog's license is to use our online system. You can also perform pet licensing tasks via mail or in person.

In-Person Licensing

Please visit a Customer Service Center or the Seattle Animal Shelter to renew or purchase your pet license. 

Mail in your license application or renewal payment

If you prefer to mail in your payment, or if you are licensing a miniature goat or potbellied pig, please download the Seattle Pet License Application. To use the fillable PDF function and complete the form digitally before printing, please save a copy of the application to your computer. You may also print the blank form and complete by hand.

Mail the completed form with payment to:

Seattle Pet Licensing
2061 15th Ave. W.
Seattle, WA 98119

Make checks payable to City of Seattle.

Replacement Tag

If your pet's tag becomes chewed, worn or lost, you can request a replacement tag online. Or mail a check for the fee to:

Seattle Pet Licensing
2061 15th Ave. W.
Seattle, WA 98119

Your pet's replacement tag will be sent in the mail within two weeks.

Update your pet's record

The easiest way to update your pet's record is online through our licensing portal. Otherwise, you can use the methods below.

Do we have your current information? 
If you move, change phone numbers or no longer have your pet, please email or call (206) 386-4262.

Did you transfer ownership of your pet? 
If you transfer ownership of your pet to someone who resides in the city of Seattle, please complete an Ownership Transfer Form.

Are you the new owner of a pet that already has a Seattle license?  
Complete an Ownership Transfer Form.

Have you moved outside the city of Seattle? 
If you move outside the city, please call (206) 386-4262 or email us at, and we will update your record(s).