Get Fingerprinted
- Cost is $7.00 per ID card. Cash or check only.
- If you were provided with fingerprint cards, please keep them flat - do not fold them.
- Cards will be provided if you do not have one. We supply the standard FD-258 FBI Applicant card.
- By appointment only: To make an appointment click here.
Fingerprinting takes about 20 minutes and is done on a first come, first serve basis. - Last fingerprint request is taken at 4:30 PM.
Preparing to be Fingerprinted
- To get a good print, it is important that your hands are hydrated:
- Drink lots of water.
- Use hand lotion.
- Avoid excessive hand washing, use of hand sanitizers or other activities that dry out your hands.
- We will not print you if you have a fresh wound or cut to your fingers. Please let your hands and fingers heal.